BLOG 6 - My Study Programme
Hello Class today in this blog I will tell you about some of my favorite subjects from my study programme on my first year of Antropology! For the moment I can say that I am enjoying the most of the subject of my career, there are some exceptions but those problems are more related to t he way that this subjects are developed in class than with the class itself, aspects like the comunication beetween the students and the teacher, evaluations, etc, but that is a Theme I will talk more I depth in the teacher evaluation. At the moment one of my favorites subjetcs is "fundamental problems of antropology" and " formation of the modern society " both titles are very suggestive about their content. The first one its about the most important methods and theorys in the history of antropology and how this theorys was produced to try to understand the others cultures. its very intersting see the evolution of this currents of thought through the time and see how it transform ...