This was my first conciert, well I went to others "conciert" before but thoses was more like recitals, with chairs and a very big space between me and the artist, but the wich one I will talk obout now its the one I concider my first conciert. it was in April of 2022 in teatro coliseo, I went there with three friends from the school. I remember we arrived very early, like 2 hours before the hour of beginning because we think it would be full of people, but we was the first in arrive so we wait all this time but at least all that waiting worth it because we stay in front row.

I havent tell yet who we were going to see, the concert was of "Los Tres" they are a very old chilean rock band, I meet their music because when I was younger my mom carry me to school and in the travel we listen to "radio uno"  that was a radio who only plays Chilean music. I like a lot this band and the conciert was amazing, the place wans´t very big but I like it because you can be more close to te artist and the atmosphere was incredible everybody was exited, jumping and screaming every song, I remember than after some time i felt very tired and my throat hurts but I can´t stop singing especially when they play my favorites songs like "el aval", "la torre de babel", amor violento". Anyway it was a very memorable experiences and at the exit I buy some merchandising that now it´s decoring my room. it was a great experience that I spect never forget.


  1. Wow Vicente! I feel so happy for you to have this experience. I really really love Los Tres and I would like so much to see them personally. His music relax me a lot. Thank you for telling us your experience!

  2. That's cool! I would have loved to go to that concert too. I also like Los Tres, it's a style that I enjoy a lot and hopefully someday I can have an experience like yours. See you soon!

  3. I love the group "Los tres"! I would love to have the opportunity to go to one of their concerts. I see it was a very good experience for you.

  4. Hi Vincent! How great that you were in the front row! I am glad that you have been able to enjoy this great band, I also like it a lot.

  5. Hello, from a fan of los tres to another fan I like to know that I'm not the only one who likes Chilean rock, I was already feeling alone in this world hahahahaha, I would like to recommend another Chilean rock band that's a bit different to be honest "chancho en piedra" is more of a mix of funk and rock but it's interesting

  6. Hello Vicente! How nice that you were able to see in an intimate space a band that you like a lot and the best thing, in the front row! One of the best decisions of that day was to arrive early without a doubt hahahaha!


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